Taking a stand against racism and social injustice.

We at Coughlin Porter Lundeen take great pride and responsibility in serving our community.  Our core values emphasize collaboration and respect, an empowered team, and diversifying our industry.

Our nation’s pattern of racism and social injustice has existed far too long, and we cannot be silent.  We stand firmly against racism in any form and are inspired by the peaceful protestors and their movement toward change. The Coughlin Porter Lundeen offices will be closed this Friday, June 12, as we join the statewide strike.

While Friday’s strike will be a day of reflection and peaceful action, we will carry the cause much further, exploring ways we can pursue education as an organization, support our team’s growth, and be an authentic ally to all communities of color.

We are on this journey with you, our community. We will listen to, learn from, and inspire one another in making lasting change.  We must keep moving forward.