The Great ShakeOut: Preparing for the next big one

Great ShakeOut earthquake drills help people in homes, schools, and organizations improve preparedness and practice how to be safe during earthquakes.

Internationally over 56.9 million are signed up and in Washington, over 1.1 million people are signed up (and counting!). Coughlin Porter Lundeen believes in supporting this effort as design professionals due to our unique role in earthquake preparedness and response.

The 2018 Great Washington Shakeout Drill is on October 18th at 10:18 am (this Thursday). Join us and participate in three simple ways:

1. At 10:18am on 10/18, millions of people will simulate the basic DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON drill. In our office, we’ll make an internal announcement to alert staff of the mock earthquake. The drill only lasts a minute, but serves a reminder that when a seismic event does occur, aftershocks are a legitimate hazard and you should stay in a safe place until given the all-clear.

2. Prepare at home by making sure you have adequate emergency supplies, taking simple steps to secure your space, and knowing to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON. Emergency preparedness departments across the west have put together a great preparedness resource in the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety that can be found here:

3. Increase awareness of earthquake safety by spreading the word to your friends, family, and colleagues. As a seismic engineering firm, this is a great way to both increase earthquake safety and raise awareness of how engineers play a role in this effort. Encourage others to participate!

More information is available on Sign up and be counted as a participant.

ShakeOut is a reminder of the role that Coughlin Porter Lundeen will play following the next “big one.” Many of us remember what happened after the Nisqually earthquake: the phone calls from distressed building owners and our firm’s rapid mobilization and response to assess buildings. Drills like these help the community prepare and know what to do when a seismic event occurs.

Our team of seismic engineers is ready to respond to the next one.

Rebecca Hix Collins P.E., S.E., LEED AP ®
Structural Project Manager

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Rebecca has been involved in the structural design of new facilities and renovation projects which include a broad range of facility types, size, and building materials. A large part of her project work consists of rehabilitating older structures and stabilizing seismic deficiencies, which often occurs along with renovation to preserve a building’s historical features. Rebecca is passionate about helping building owners prepare their structures for earthquakes, including having a post-earthquake evaluation plan in place, and has worked extensively with businesses and universities across the State in this capacity.