Ken Wiersema
P.E., LEED APCivil Project Manager
Engineering is etched into the Wiersema family genome. Ken became an engineer like his dad and now his own son is studying engineering at the UW (Class of 2023!). As an innate problem solver with experience that encompasses a wide range of project types, Ken consistently solicits input from builders, designers and owners to create documents that are concise, complete and buildable. With a passion for protecting the environment, he strives each day to design efficient solutions to some of the world’s most common problems.
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Washington, 1999
B.A. Industrial Photography, Brooks Institute of Photography, 1983
Fun Fact
One of the most fulfilling things he’s ever done was spend the summer in the Colorado Rockies - watching and helping young Peregrine Falcons learn to hunt and fly.